‘Exit The Gyroscope, Unveil The Anthropocene is a well-crafted, urgent and intense guitar / synth driven track combining post-punk with 80s electronica – think Magazine, Wire, The Cure, Ultravox or early Roxy’,  Robin Boardman, Louder Than War.

‘a post-punk soundscape, one that takes the vibe of dark, alt-rock, a gothic sense of drama, and no small amount of alt-pop infectiousness and reverse engineers them into a cool, slightly nostalgic sound’, Dave Franklin, The Big Takeover

A composite of complexions

a mixed bag of emotions

And chucking pearls to the 

swine an utter waste of time


Papillon temporalities

present, future and past

old and new realities

unfolding through the lash


And stop, stop, stop, stop

chucking she said

pearls to the swine


Unveil the Anthropocene

Unveil the Anthropocene


I’m oscillating in between

retro futures and 

past scenes

trying to figure out what can 

be seen

on all those looking 

glass screens


So shake me out of this 

un-lucid dream

or drip feed 

me sertraline

have mercy and show me 

now, the exit from this 



It ain’t a search for 


it ain’t natural


when we’re poles apart

when we’re lost in the past


And stop, stop, stop, stop

chucking she said

pearls to the swine


I’m oscillating in between

retro futures and 

past scenes

trying to figure out what can 

be seen

on all those looking 

glass screens


So shake me out of this

 un-lucid dream

or drip feed 

me sertraline

have mercy and show me 

now, the exit from this 


MinotaurE is a great example of Noise Factory United’s sound – it’s got elements of post-punk, rock, indie and electronica, making for something really distinctive, Jane Howkins, York Calling

Aim low for the sky

aim low with celestial nostalgia

steps that are lost and feet that drag

a line of string, so scared of the ring


Itinerary lost in the matter

a wave of bitterness

turning around, around, around

vapour and breath, oh come

out of my depth



Qui a tort?

Je tourne, tourne, tourne et je me cogne

Pas de sens, sensations

Cesse cessons




Who is wrong?

I turn, turn, turn and smash (into walls)

No sense and no sensation

Stop, stop, stop, and we will prevail



Walls can crush but can they fall?

Tumbling down but what befalls?

A string that runs and runs and runs

an everlasting line,

can we circumnavigate?



Qui a tort?

Je tourne et me cogne

Pas de sens, sensations

Cesse cessons




Who is wrong?

I turn, turn, turn and smash (into walls)

No sense and no sensation

Stop, stop, stop, we will prevail


''It's Not The First One That Counts belies a (semi) serious examination of the personal and societal dangers of algorithm and AI directed discourse and identity, making it, in some ways, a 21st century update to X Ray Spex classic Identity. Despite its serious message, It's Not The First One That Counts is bouncy, upbeat, primary coloured pop that'll brighten the darkest of winter days', The Devil Has The Best Tuna.

Algorithms at the heart of my dilemma

So why am I allergic to me?


Algorithms at the heart of that loud speaker

Why am I so allergic to me?


So don’t you look surprised

don’t you look surprised

When I don’t agree


Come and lift the trance & dance with me


The information that derails has never been better

Why am I so allergic to me?


The information that curtails reduced to several letters

Why am I so we allergic to me?


So don’t you look surprised

don’t you look surprised

When we don’t agree


It’s not the first one that counts

It’s not the first one that counts

It’s not the first one that counts

It’s not the second that counts

It is the, it is the, it is the


It’s the third that sets you reeling

It’s the third that carries the meaning


It’s the third that will have you off those knees, it's the third that will help you to see //

So despite the news I won’t accept the first one, nor will I accept the second one, but I will take the third one                                    


Neurons picked and pulled apart, maintaining pure blind vision

Why are we so allergic to us?


Repetition, feedback loops, and modern superstitions

Why are we so allergic to us?


So don’t you look surprised

don’t you look surprised

When I don’t agree


It’s not the first one that counts

It’s not the first one that counts…no, no, no

It’s not the first one that counts

It’s not the second that counts

It is the, it is the, it is the


It’s the third that carries the meaning

It’s the third that sets you reeling


It’s the third that will have you off those knees, it's the third that will help you to see //

So despite the news I won’t accept the first one, nor will I accept the second one, but I will take the third one   


Start the march, like Joan of Arc

Or was it Falconetti?

Or somebody else on the tele?

How can I ever know?

I feel like I should know

Oh, somebody show me the context


It’s not the first one that counts

It’s not the first one that counts…no, no, no

It’s not the first one that counts…no, no, no

It’s not the second that counts

It is the, it is the, it is the


It’s the third that sets you reeling

It’s the third that carries the meaning


It’s the third that will have you off those knees, it's the third that will help you to see //

So despite the news I won’t accept the first one, nor will I accept the second one, but I will take the third one   


 “‘Southsea Common’ is filled with chaotic instrumentation including jagged guitars and bumble-y synths, with a rowdy chorus to finish things off.” MIX IT ALL UP